Tuesday, January 31, 2012

NOM Loses In Maine AGAIN

NOM has lost yet another court battle to hide its donor list from the state of Maine.
An appeals court on Tuesday upheld the state's campaign disclosure law that requires a national anti-gay-marriage group to release its donor list, but the group plans to take the fight to shield the list to the U.S. Supreme Court. The decision pertains to ballot question committees in Maine and represents a second defeat for the National Organization for Marriage, which previously lost a challenge to the state's political action committee laws and laws governing independent expenditures and advertising attribution and disclaimers. The latest appeal focused on part of the law that says groups that raise or spend more than $5,000 to influence elections must register and disclose their donors.
And while we await that Supreme Court decision, NOM will barrel ahead and pour millions into Maine's November marriage equality ballot measure. If you've got the dough and you've got the lawyers, court rulings don't mean shit.

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